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A SECURED Summer is a FUN Summer

Just because summer is a laid-back time of the year does not mean your safety gets a time off! A SECURED summer is a FUN summer. Follow our road, grilling and pool safety tips!  

Road Safety

Road trips are always adventurous, but let’s not forget about the road safety that comes along with it. Car accidents are the #1 leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for children under the age of 14. Nearly 70% of all car accidents happen within only 10 miles away from home.

1.) Vehicle Check-list. It only takes a few minutes to do a car inspection on your own to make sure everything is ready for the road.

2.) Buckle up. You see it on the highways, you see it on the TV commercials. Just do it. Each click can save a life.

3.) Sleep. Even if you’re sleepy behind the wheel, your judgement is just as bad as a drunk driver.

Grilling Safety

Grilling is a staple in the summertime. Everybody believes that since there are a group of people at the social gathering, that the grill will have at least two pairs of eyes on it.

1.) Grill Outdoors. Always keep it at least 10 feet away from your home when in use.

2.) Supervise the Grill. Once finished using the grill, make sure the grill is completely off and the coals are cold.

Pool Safety

Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related death for ages 14 and under. Prior to most children drowning, one or both of the adults on supervision looked away for less than five minutes. Children can drown in less than two inches of water.

1.) Secure the Perimeter of Pool. Include a fence that is at least four feet high around all sides of the pool. Keep pool gates self-close and self-latch at a height children cannot reach.

2.) Have Rescue Equipment on Board. Always have a life preserver, a phone and certified life vests around the pool area. A floaty will not suffice.

3.) Learn CPR. It is highly recommended for anyone supervising the children to know how to do CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Not only will it benefit at the pool, but in life, in general.

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Troy Insurance, a woman owned business, has been serving Stamford, Connecticut and the surrounding areas since 1960. We are a local Independent Insurance Agency known for providing superior personal and professional service.

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