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June Safety Tips

As part of National Safety Month, there are three safeties we should all be aware about in June. Here are some June safety tips:

Hurricane Safety

A little rain never hurts anyone, right? As much as we would all like to dance in the rain, Fairfield County residents, and anyone who lives close to the water, are at a higher risk of encountering a hurricane.

It is crucial that you should plan your evacuation route now. Make a list of supplies needed in case the electricity turns off or if the roads are blocked. Here’s a simple list to get you started:

  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • Foods that do not require refrigeration

REMEMBER: Stay dry, stay calm, and most importantly, stay #Safe4Life.

Lightning Safety

The misconception about lightning is that most people believe it isn’t fatal and that it never strikes the same place more than once.

In situations where lightning strikes and you’re stuck outside, the first thing you should always do is to go indoors. If that fails, stay away from elevated areas, objects that conduct electricity, and stay away from the ground as much as possible. A tactic you can use is going in a crouching position where your feet and knees are together, your head is tucked, and your hands are over your ears.

REMEMBER: When lightning roars, go indoors!

Wildfire Safety

During this season, we all love to camp out at places like the beautiful Sleeping Giant. Whenever you decide to camp, never leave a campsite unattended. Make sure to always take care of your lighting and heating equipment, and to never throw away your matches, cigarettes, or any fire starters.

Most wildfires are caused by humans. If you live near the woods, you should always remove your items from your backyard and patio immediately after you are informed on the wildfire.

REMEMBER: You should always call 9-1-1 when you see or hear about a wildfire happening.

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Troy Insurance, a woman owned business, has been serving Stamford, Connecticut and the surrounding areas since 1960. We are a local Independent Insurance Agency known for providing superior personal and professional service.

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