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Are you covered for Airbnb and Uber/Lyft?

If you are currently or looking into using your home for Airbnb or your car for Uber/Lyft, it is important to let Troy Insurance know. Are you covered for Airbnb and Uber/Lyft? The answer is technically no. The insurance companies that we represent do NOT cover any of the above.

It is important to still let us know so we can note it in your file. Airbnb, Uber and Lyft offer their own insurance programs for certain circumstances. Below is more information in regards to that. Please remember that any insurance offered by the following companies are separate from and do not have anything related to your current policies that you have through Troy Insurance.


Both protection plans are always free for Airbnb hosts and provided by Airbnb automatically each time a guest stays in your home.

Host Guarantee – Protects an Airbnb host if a guest is involved in property damage to the host’s possessions, unit, or home. Airbnb does not consider this as insurance, but more so an add-on protection for hosts. To read more, please go to

Host Protection Insurance – Covers hosts if third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage. The Host Protection Insurance program is available to hosts regardless of their other insurance arrangements, but will only act as primary insurance coverage for incidents related to an Airbnb stay. For more information on this, please go to


4 Coverages Under Their Insurance

  1. Contingent Liability (coverage only while in driver mode waiting for a ride request)
  2. Primary Automobile Liability
  3. Contingent Comprehensive & Collision
  4. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM)

For more information on these coverages, or on their insurance in general, please visit


3 Coverages Under their Insurance

  1. Third party liability coverage
  2. Uninsured or underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage
  3. Contingent collision and comprehensive coverage

To find out more, please visit

About Us

Troy Insurance, a woman owned business, has been serving Stamford, Connecticut and the surrounding areas since 1960. We are a local Independent Insurance Agency known for providing superior personal and professional service.

Email us at or
call 203-324-3143 to contact an agent today.

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